Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Macbeth †Blind Ambition Essay

Q. The play Macbeth explores the dangers associated with blind ambition. Discuss. William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth is primarily concerned with exploring the dangers associated with blind ambition. Shakespeare presents the audience with a character faced with clear moral choices and who is led down a path towards destruction because of his tragic character flaw, his overarching ambition. We can see this in how easily Macbeth is initially convinced to start down this road by the witches’ prophecy. Finally we see how Macbeth is driven to ever greater extremes of cruelty in order to maintain the position that his ambition has allowed him to attain. The dangers associated with blind ambition are portrayed in the manner in which the crimes they commit take a terrible toll on the minds of both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is initially presented in the play as a brave and noble character but it takes only a hint in the direction of kingship from the witches to enflame his ambition. Early in the play Macbeth is praised by the king for his courage and loyalty. He is a figure of admiration and is rewarded for his efforts with the Thane of Cawdor. Shakespeare gives Macbeth his first taste of power and ambition with the prophecy of the witches and this kindles a sense of curiosity in him about what the future may hold. He makes a leap between being a passive figure in the face of destiny to entertaining the idea that he may himself direct the workings of fate. As Macbeth says, â€Å"The Prince of Cumberland: that is a step On which I must fall down, or else o’erleap,† It seems to take only the merest nudge in the direction of his â€Å"dark desires† to cause a deep change in his character and to lure him into entertaining some awful crimes in order to achieve those ambitions. We are left with the question, would Macbeth have ever strayed from his noble character if he had not been given the initial push in that direction by the witches? The answer seems to be that the witches have merely allowed something that was dark and evil within Macbeth’s character to be pulled out into the light. If we begin to covet what others have then our ambitions can run amok and destroy us. Having achieved his goal to become the King of Scotland Macbeth is forced to become ever more brutal and cruel in order to defend his illegitimate position. Initially we see that Macbeth has a profound struggle with his conscience over the prospect and indeed finds many good reasons for not killing him. It is only the goading of Lady Macbeth over his manhood that keeps him on his bloody path. The murder causes Macbeth a great deal of mental anguish and we see a character distraught by the trauma of going against his essential character in the moments directly after the act. â€Å"†¦ Sleep no more: Macbeth does murder sleep†¦Ã¢â‚¬  As the play progresses he overcomes his compunctions and supresses his conscience completely. The implication is that in order to maintain his position he must become more and more bloodthirsty and that his character must become more and more deformed. Shakespeare is making the observation that ambition is like a ravenous fire that consumes all in its path in order to maintain itself. Like tyrants throughout history we can see that, â€Å"Who is all powerful should fear everything.† The fear, suspicion and paranoia created by supreme power illegitimately gained leads to an inevitable bloodbath as the natural order is destroyed and chaos is unleashed. Macbeth’s ambition is such a force for disorder in the play and causes not only his downfall but that of many other characters and the whole state of Scotland. The greatest element of tragedy in the play is the spectacle of Macbeth slowly losing his mind as a result of his guilt over the crimes that he has committed in order to fulfil his ambition. The beginning of the play portrays Macbeth as a noble warrior of sound mind and sound body. This however changes as the play progresses to the point where Macbeth becomes insane. This is due to the guilt of his actions. What emphasises the guilt that Macbeth feels even more is the core values that he has. He battles with his mind attempting to convince himself that it was justifiable yet his core morals and values tell him otherwise. â€Å"It will have blood; they say, blood will have blood† Here Macbeth reflects on his deeds after Banquos ghost disappears. This is  the start of his battle for his sanity. Because of his righteous core values, he believes that the evil deed that he has committed will ultimately result in his death. As the play progresses, his mental stability degrades with each evil deed he commits to the point where he has no desire to live anymore as he realises that all there is to live for, he has wasted away. â€Å"I have liv’d long enough: my way of life Is fall’n into the sear, the yellow leaf; And that which should accompany old age,† He comments that old age has come upon him hastily as his way of life has caused this.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Critical Legal Thinking Essay

A state doctrine is â€Å"a doctrine which states that judges of one country cannot question the validity of an act committed by another country within that other country’s borders. It is based on the principle that a country has absolute authority over what transpires within its own territory† (Cheeseman, 2013). In the case of Glen v. Club Mediteranee, S.A. this means that because the incident of Cuba’s expropriating the Glen’s beachfront property to Club Mediteranee, S. A. to build their facility and then not paying the Glen’s for the property cannot be brought to a U.S. court to be judged because the incident originated in Cuba and state doctrine states that another country cannot â€Å"question the validity of an act committed by another country† (Cheeseman, 2013, p. 543). The U.S.A. cannot just step in and tell Cuba that their standards and beliefs are wrong. Ethics No, the Cuban government and Club Mediteranee by ethical, societal, or U.S. standards act morally in the joint venture of building their facilities on the Glen’s beachfront property without establishing a contract or making payment to the Glen’s for their beachfront property. By our society standards and beliefs, in the U.S.A. this would be considered stealing. Although we might see this as immoral and illegal Cuba may not, because their country may have no compunction to take what is not theirs and use it as they see fit does not give another country the right to sit in judgment because each culture and civilization has their own ethical standards and we cannot place our standards on other countries because that would be unethical. Contemporary Business References Cheeseman, H. R. (2013). The Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce: Business Ethics, E-Commerce, Regulatory, and International Issues. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Investment policy – OECD. (2014.). Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Inability Accurately Define Environmental Problems Environmental Sciences Essay

The term wicked environmental job is a word used in depicting the unsure, complex, conflicting and of all time altering nature modern of environmental jobs. With these characteristic characteristics of environmental jobs comes challenges such as ; inability to accurately specify environmental jobs, uncertainness of the cause-effect relationship of modern environmental jobs and replying the inquiry of whether or non to include public stakeholders in the determination devising procedure. The successful tackling of these challenges will be achieved by doing usage of an environmental problem-framing theoretical account to specify the job, recommending uninterrupted larning to bridge the uncertainness spread attributed to miss of cognition and eventually the inclusion of public engagement in policy determination doing to increase public consciousness of environmental jobs and easy execution of created policy. Collaboration problem-solving theoretical account incorporates a seven staged pr ocedure that can be applied to pull offing environmental jobs one time adhered to purely. The terminal consequence of this theoretical account is the creative activity of a horizontal theoretical account policy which is easy to implement in the direction of environmental jobs. Keywords: environmental jobs, uncertainness and coaction. Critically analyze the challenges presented by ‘wicked ‘ and ‘messy ‘ environmental jobs and discourse the deductions for the development of effectual direction policy and pattern. Use illustrations to exemplify both challenges and direction responses you believe to be most appropriate. Lancaster Environmental Centre EDEOGHON OTIBHO STEPHANIE ( January, 2013 )IntroductionThe term †wicked † environmental job is a word used in depicting the unsure, complex, conflicting and of all time altering nature of modern environmental jobs ( Rittel and Webber, 1973 ) .These characteristics are what make environmental jobs hard to understand, define and once and for all work out. The evil of environmental jobs are experienced in surveies of Climate Change, Biodiversity, Population, Natural Resource Management but to advert a few. Environmental jobs are classified as either bad or good result of chance, definitionless, varied and alone ( Rittel and Webber, 1973 ) . Uncertainty in environmental job resolution is defined as the unpredictable, intractable dynamic and equivocal nature of the job that makes it hard for adult male to specify and understand ( Sigel et al. , 2010 ) .Complexity stems from the multifaceted interrelating web of systems that makes it hard for a pick of preferred solution to be made. This may ensue in dissension between environmental stakeholders that is attributed to differences in sentiments, values and involvement ( Saarikoski, 2005 ) . Besides, environmental jobs are prone to alter which makes it hard to foretell the extent of its harm.ChallengeThe challenges faced in seeking to work out â€Å" wicked † environmental jobs are attributed to the functions played by complexness, uncertainness, struggle and alteration†¦ .Inability to accurately specify environmental jobsThe absence of a specific cause-effect relationship, sufficient informations and the many-sided nature of the jobs creates trouble in understand ing the job ; which constantly affects the ability to accurately specify the job. The many-sided nature of environmental jobs gives rise to the changing definitions being held by different stakeholders. Definitions could change from what causes the job, what solution would work and who should be included in policy development phase. The consequence of utilizing sick defined jobs to bring forth an every bit sick defined solution in work outing the environmental job is normally irreversible and poses hazard to the environment ( Bardwell, 1991 ) . The complexness of environmental jobs is seen in the interconnection of the universe ‘s different environmental jobs†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ ..e.g. in seeking to work out one job, environmental directors discover that the job is a nexus to another unresolved and ununderstood job.UncertaintyUncertainty in environmental jobs may be viewed as deficiency of assurance of facts of the job, chance of an result occurring and deficiency o f cognition about the result of a determination. Uncertainty can be attributed to the absence of sufficient and accurate day of the month needed to understand an environmental job. Uncertainty in environmental jobs is a subjective term as its definition is based on people ‘s perceptual experience of what it should intend. Uncertainty attributed to knowledge spread is an obstruction to work outing environmental jobs ; the stableness of the environment is dependent on human actions which are driven by the consciousness of the presence of that cause-effect relationship by worlds. The absence of cognition of how to reconstruct an unstable system back to its province of stableness will forestall actions from being taken and this will constantly take to the growing in instability of this system ( Biel and Garling, 1995 ) . This scenario can be likened to what uncertainness in environmental jobs can take to. With uncertainness comes deficiency of trust and a physique up of struggle b etween postulating parties with contrasting positions. Modern scientific discipline has reflected this uncertainness in the contrasting positions held by its practicians in their quest to specify environmental jobs and its causes ; this has led to the populace ‘s loss of religion in scientific announcements ( Ludwig, 2001 ) .Uncertainty is besides attributed to the invariably altering nature of environmental jobs. Example: Bitterroot, Blackfoot, Glacier and Upper Clark Natural Resource Planning ( Lachapelle, 2003 ) Example used for inability to accurately specify the job and uncertainness ) The Synoptic Model Approach was used in the natural planning procedure for the preservation of the four mentioned natural resource sites. The stakeholders were people involved in the planning procedure. The failure of the Synoptic attack was attributed to the inability of participants to specify the job hence set ends, the deficiency of trust between participants, the usage of structured formats and regulations to seek and work out the job which can be attributed to uncertainness and eventually the presence of administrative officials naming the shootings. The Synoptic attack did non work because it was built on the premiss that environmental jobs are structured ; hence, must be solved utilizing procedural procedure and rigidness. The attack is non a collaborative method of job work outing but a politicized theoretical account where administrative officials are the determination shapers.Should the public be included in determination devising?The pick of whether or non to include the populace in environmental determination devising has been undergoing a batch of argument in recent times ; if included, what degree of authorization should they be given in the determination devising procedure are cardinal inquiries that require replies in the quest to work out environmental jobs. The inquiry of what environmental job work outing technique is needed is asked, is it the â€Å" bid and control † attack which is in kernel merely administrative officials doing the determination or the â€Å" Partnership-collaboration † attack which is a corporate attempt by all stakeholders doing a joint determination ( Saarikoski, 2006 ) . Example: Chesapeake Bay. ( CSPO, 2003 ) A scientific attack was used in reding the authorities on policies to be created and redress schemes to be taken in returning the contaminated Chesapeake Bay country to it pristine province. The scientist defined pesticides, thermic and toxic wastewaters as the causes of pollution in the Chesapeake Bay. The authorities working on this recommendation created two policy understandings on the decrease in the usage of substances incorporating Nitrogen and Phosphorus. The creative activity of these policies did non significantly cut down the Chesapeake Bay pollution figures. The authorities as a last consequence decided to include all relevant stakeholders in the redefining of the job and solution development before a 3rd understanding it is in the procedure of doing is created. The scientific discipline based attack failed because the scientist were structured in their definition of the job non sing other beginnings of pollution and they did non include so public in the pursuit to acquir e a definition for the job or a solution.ResponseEnvironmental Problem-framingThe problem-solving frame work is an advisable tool that should be used in job definition and solution development. It is based on the application of cognitive psychological science in understanding the job convergent thinker, the job and redefining the job. ( Bardwell, 1991 ) The mental model of an single determines the apprehension and the category of solution that will be created to turn to a peculiar environmental job. The procedure of solution development starts with a scenario development phase for the simulation of the environment in order to understand the effects of different actions within the different compartments of the environment ( action-effect relationship ) . A criterion for mensurating ends choice and a investigation for likely solution is launched. A lucifer of ends with legion solutions provided is used to take the best solution for accomplishing the set end ( Bardwell, 1991 ) . The building of a structural theoretical account of the job makes it easy to understand and see the interrelatednesss within the many compartments of the job. This informs the manner and rush new information will be processed and readily applicable solution to the job will be developed ( Bardwell, 1991 ) .Continuous larningIn turn toing uncertainness attributed to knowledge spread a cognition spread reducibility technique of reading, institutional acquisition, confer withing experts and societal acquisition on the capable affair under consideration demands to be carried out. Social larning involves holding an apprehension of what the job is, its history, and its consequence on other stakeholders and what resources are available to work out the job. Social acquisition is enhanced by a willingness to believe outside the box, device ways of geting diverse cognition through information sharing with different stakeholders. With acquiring rid of uncertainness comes understanding of what the job is, its different constructions, procedure and functionality within the environment. This new apprehension and cognition drives the solution development procedure. One of the cardinal aspects of uncertainness is that is gives room for the creative activity of diverse definitions of the job by different stakeholders. Solving unsure and complex environmental jobs will necessitate the incorporation of flexibleness in the solution development theoretical account, communicating, mutuality acknowledgment, trust edifice and cognition sharing between stakeholders. Hazard Based Appraisals standards can be used in work outing uncertainness in policy discuss ( Saarikoski, 2006 ) . Example: Case of chlorinated H2O ( Driegder and Eyles, 2002 ) An Adaptive Environmental Management hazard based analysis was carried out on the hazard of malignant neoplastic disease and generative defects associated with imbibing chlorinated H2O as against the hazard of microbic infection associated with imbibing non chlorinated H2O. The treatment session took topographic point with interested stakeholders from authorities, public, faculty members and the wellness sector in attending. Through a procedure of arguments and scientific facts presentation, it was concluded that the hazard of undertaking malignant neoplastic disease and generative defects from chlorinated H2O was negligible to the hazard associated with imbibing microbial septic H2O. The recommendation made was that H2O chlorination should be continued until alternate agencies for H2O purification is developed. This method of environmental job work outing and policy determination devising recognises the built-in hazard in determination doing under conditions of uncertainness and derives agencies and methods to accommodating and larning from unsure state of affairss.Public Stakeholder IncorporationThe importance of public engagement in environmental determination devising can non be overemphasized. The incorporation of diverse positions on a peculiar environmental job creates room for the development of a broader and more across-the-board solution to the job. Public engagement in environmental jobs determination doing brings legality into the determination devising procedure, increases trust in authorities, general consciousness of environmental jobs and a decrease in the cost of policy execution ( Schusler et al. , 2003 ) The epoch of public engagement in environmental direction policy creative activity is an epoch of determination doing switching from a power based attack to a consensus an d deliberative attack. Example: The Bob and Fitzgerald Dispute ( Moore and Lee, 1999 ) The Environmental Dispute Resolution ( EDR ) Model was used in work outing wilderness direction differences between user groups and the forest direction bureau over the debasement of common resources and overcrowding of land country in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex and the Fitzgerald River National Park. The environmental difference declaration procedure had in attending all relevant stakeholders ( user groups and USDA forest service ) and it incorporated an eight staged procedure for difference declaration which included ; corporate categorization of the job, indecisiveness on what the following measure should be, concurrency on scheme, acknowledgment of confederation, ardour about joint chances, pledge to working together, meeting of groups and eventually the execution of devised programs. The result of the EDR procedure was an addition in communicating and trust between participant, acknowledgment of confederation helped in making better apprehension of the job and the participants, relationship edifice, better solution development and sweetening of policy execution.Collaboration as a Tool for Solving Environmental ProblemsOver the old ages a figure of environmental problem-solving theoretical accounts have been put frontward by different advocate of environmental direction but with small or no positive result e.g. the synoptic attack. The collaborative problem-solving theoretical account ( CPS ) was developed in 2004, by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a tool for work outing wellness and environmental related jobs ( EPA, 2006 ) . Since its origin this theoretical account has gained evidences in the direction of environmental related jobs. The coaction theoretical account works on a seven staged rule viz. ; environmental job definition, community ability model, understanding framework/ strife declaration, partnership development, constructive battle, execution and assessment of procedure ( EPA, 2006 ) . The coaction procedure helps to turn to the challenges posed by environmental jobs such as ; inaccurate job definition, selective stakeholder incorporation and uncertainness. Collaboration as an advanced and holistic environmental job work outing tool brings people from different domains of life with different resources, values and educational background but who are all united with the exclusive end of continuing the environment for the sustainability of life together to work out†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦DecisionEnvironmental jobs as unpredictable and multifaceted phenomenon ‘s can non be solved with stiff regulations and standardised theoretical accounts ; hence, the demand for advanced thought and inventiveness. The development and execution of environmental direction policies and patterns is mostly dependent on the contrivers and the Godheads of the policies. The collaborative theoretical account explores the usage of integrating all relevant stakeholders in the determination devising procedure which invariable leads to the application of the horizontal policy creative activity theoretical account to make a policy that agreeable to all parties involved in the coaction procedure and to the general populace at big. The advantage of this is that determinations were jointly made and this gives legality to the policy, therefore doing it adhering on all concerned parties to follow. The horizontal theoretical account typed policy exhibits equity and the pattern of administration. However, the adoptability of the policy to mundane life will be enhanced by information sharing of its being and instruction of its contents and relevancy to environmental sustainability.

Automation Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Automation Systems - Essay Example According to the book of ( Mazzuchelli, 1985) "The net effect of the tremendous increase in processing power provided by the computer system is that more data can be processed faster than ever before." Which means that all information you need in your job to make decisions will be quickly available, a necessity in today's rapidly changing business environment. Business establishments implement computer systems as part of daily transactions. Some firms faces problems especially implementing an apparent solution to a problem often causes other, unanticipated problems. As automation systems replaces energy as society's man resource, many people are concerned that too much emphasis has been put on what the computer can do to streamline business and too little on how it may affect the quality of our lives. Some reasons why users resist of changes due to implementation of automation systems. One reason may be the initial cost. In a large company, it is difficult to track and fairly allocate the costs of the computer processing facility to the many different departments based on individual departmental use. Also, departments at remote locations may feel that their information needs are not being met. Some were reluctant to use the new system for fear that they would have to spend for the software, computer maintenance, diskettes, computer paper, printer ribbons, just as they had to do for the paper and a pen needed on their job. Hardware and software costs can become high when a company's departments are spread over many distant locations. Proper accountability and planning for this project would simply help the company cope on this problem. Using a decentralized computer facilities would help the company to use less sophisticated and less expensive communications hardware and software. To assure that they would be able to use the change in automation. Second, Unfamiliar to the new system. A computer specialists is responsible for the design of the automated system ended up being responsible for working in many areas of the company with which they were unfamiliar. And also users of the new automated system are not trained well they hardly understand the system. The reason is that the system is not user friendly. A reason to resist for the changes. As a result, the specialists often took a lot of time to understand the processing requirements of a new department. This problem has a great impact to the new users as it caused delays in a project and sometimes led to misunderstanding - in other words, some of the new automated system developed failed to meet the needs of the department, or failed to meet them on time. To prevent this problem, the developer must develop a user friendly automated system. Although, most employers expect their potential employees to be prepared to use computers as tools whatever field or business. In respo nse, automation system will be very helpful to firms. They felt they needed some additional skills to keep their jobs to be considered for advancement, or change to a more desirable job. Third, adopting new changes requires changing work culture. Most industries are being transformed by the use of computers. When automation of system is being implemented in a company, changes will occur. There's a change in their working routines where they will be using computers to speed up

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Edit the document for proper grammar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Edit the document for proper grammar - Essay Example Sometimes, the contracts I write are in direct support for the many field exercises that our command supports, such as Foal Eagle and Key Resolve where the US and the Republic of Korea (ROK) forces come together annually and conduct trainings to defend South Korea and strengthen alliances. I also support contingency exercises such as Tendon Valiant in Indonesia, a Medical Readiness Training Exercise that supports local people in various areas by providing medical aid. The other contracts I write are for the Garrison environment such as security guards, custodial, among others. My involvement in the organization is very indespensable since I am providing the war fighters their day to day essentials, needs for training exercises and contingency exercises. If I am unable to assist in meeting the mission needs, the services needed to conduct day to day operations might be delayed or put on hold at the cost of the mission’s success. Sometimes our services come from the US and there are regulations regarding procurement that must be followed in accordance to the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). If we do not adhere to these procedures, it would not only be detrimental to the mission but to the suppliers as well. Each procurement involves many people and I orchestrate these service procurements. Once the services are procured, I also administer the contracts to assure that the contract is completed accordingly and the contractors get paid on time. One of my strengths is being able comprehend and speak English fluently, since English is my native language. This helps me to communicate well with my groupmates. In addition, I am also very well organized, helpful, proactive, and flexible. I have great organization skills in that I keep my electronic calendar up to date and have reminders set for follow-ups on emails and other events. I keep a clean, organized desk and my file cabinets are organized as well. I am

Saturday, July 27, 2019

DB2_SBS318 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DB2_SBS318 - Essay Example People live in the atmosphere of immigration, without beginning and end, but only few know the true origins of Mexican migration to the United States. As such, the purpose of Gonzalez’s book is to provide facts, describe the history of immigration from Mexico to the U.S. and to emphasize the differences between Latin American and European immigration. It is really important as the immigrants need to know the history of their move to the United States in order to understand their position and choose the right direction. In his book, Gonzalez (2001) discusses the three important themes. First, the roots of the Latino immigration and its evolution are described. A reader can learn the important facts, which were not known before. Second, Gonzalez applies to the anecdotal evidence from one particular family, to reconsider immigration experiences from the viewpoint of one Hispanic family. Finally, Gonzalez describes modern Hispanic immigration in relation to the growth of political mobilization among the Hispanic immigrants. The themes of cultural assimilation and the marginalization of minorities have to complete the picture of Mexican immigration to the U.S. This is essential for Mexican immigrants to obtain the right understanding of their past and the author wants to help with it. Unfortunately, not always can the author stay neutral. Gonzalez (2001) is a prominent Latino journalist, and he cannot always conceal his rage at American racism and domination. This can be easily traced throughout his writing. The struggle against racism is an important issue but the author seems to overemphasize the differences between European and Mexican immigration, while it is known that many immigrants from other countries were treated even worse. Nevertheless, what he writes at the end of the introductory chapter of his book lays the foundation and defines the direction of his argument: â€Å"The American people still cling to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Challenges for Immigrant Children and their Parents Research Paper

Challenges for Immigrant Children and their Parents - Research Paper Example There are several factors involved in the challenges that immigrant children and their families face. The influx of immigrants and their children are so great that the child welfare services are swamped by these sheer numbers on one side, and on the other side, there is the lack of ability in child welfare services to understand and meet the requirements of the immigrant children. Another factor in the well-being of the immigrant children and their families is the legal status of the immigrants, as different statuses carry with it the deriving of different levels of benefits and services. Another important challenge for immigrant children and their families is the lack of proficiency in the English language, as nearly all of the immigration come from countries, where there is limited exposure to the English language. This deficiency is likely to lead to the family falling in the low-income group, with the accompanying issue of the poor health status of the children. Understanding the challenges of immigrant children can be derived from the stages of migration framework, and the critical variables involved in it, and the factors that have an impact on each stage of migration. Factors that impinge on the different stages of migration include age, family background, urban or rural background, socioeconomic background, occupation, religion, and social support. The premature stage or the departure stage, transit or immediate stage, resettlement stage, and return to the country of origin stage make up the four stages in the stages of migration framework. This framework provides an understanding on the challenges that are faced by immigrant children and their families, which are important for child welfare social workers.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Self Management of Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Self Management of Diabetes - Essay Example Obesity is a major risk factor for the development of diabetes and the numbers of people that are becoming obese is increasing rapidly. It is the major cause of premature mortality and morbidity due to cardiovascular, renal, ophthalmic and neurological disease. It is widely accepted that control of the lifestyle situation including diet and exercise decrease the risk of complications and control the Hg1c (Porth & Matfin, 2007). This paper will discuss recent studies affecting the overall Hg1c with combined strength and aerobic exercise programs. Self management of diabetes includes diet, exercise, medication, and blood sugar control. Exercise, however has been shown to be highly important. Lean muscle mass improves Hg1c (Sigal, Kenny, Boule 2007). There has been some controversy in determining whether that exercise should be aerobic or strength or both. In researching this, studies relating to diet and other controls were eliminated and a search was conducted for supporting evidence that both types of exercise included in routines for these patients improved overall blood glucose control and limited complications from the disease. Five peer reviewed studies were retained from many found as they included both exercise routines against controls. Historically, aerobic exercise has been used to attempt to improve glucose levels in diabetic patients. However, there is a great deal of literature available now that shows a great deal of merit for adding resistance exercise to this routine for control. It appears that glucose control is only one of the benefits of this kind of routine for diabetic patients. Strength, endurance, and power are benefits received (Marcus, Smith, Morrell, 2008). There is also an increase in lean tissue mass which creates an increase in metabolic rate. The importance of physical activity in these patients cannot be denied. It is considered not only preventative but also therapeutic (Tokmakidis, Zois, Votaklis, 2004). The change that occurs in muscle mass coupled with effects on glucose uptake are the reasons for better control. This occurs even in people with insulin resistance. In operationalizing this data, education is the key. Over the past years, diabetics have been taught that walking is the perfect exercise to control their HgA1c and to some point that is true, it is the perfect exercise. However, there is a gap in the education as far as adding the needed strength training. It may be clearly important, due to the large numbers of diabetics now, to design and implement diabetic exercise programs that are couple with regular education programs. Certainly controlling blood sugar and preventing complications of this disease proves to be financially needed for both the patients and the healthcare system. Sigal, Kenny, & Boule (2007) published a study in the Annuls of Internal Medicine on this very issue. Previous studies evaluated by them determined that the effects of aerobic exercise alone provided for better glucose control. They felt that there was likelihood that a combination of aerobic and strength exercises would lead to better control. They performed a randomized control trial set in 8 community based facilities. Included in this study were 251 adults age 39 to 70 with type 2 diabete (Sigal,, 2007). Patients were

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Alexandria Police Dept Intelligence Unit Proposal Essay

Alexandria Police Dept Intelligence Unit Proposal - Essay Example At the same time serial crimes and organized crime groups can be detected more quickly and more cases can be solved. Programs like community relations and robbery awareness could be carried out which helps to improve public trust and confidence, which in turn strengthen the information management system. By decentralizing the model and establishing a coordinating council, process of intelligence work could be made more effective and reliable.   Introduction Alexandria has maintaining highly skilled, energetic, technically oriented, well-equipped police department and serving the people better. It has the strength of 320 officers and 138 administrative workers.  Since 1986, the Alexandria police department has been internationally accredited by the commission on accreditation for law enforcement agencies (CALEA) which is a rigorous and difficult process, and has been reaccredited in subsequent years. By achieving this it has the professional status of law enforcement agencies worl dwide, and now has a responsibility of maintaining this status (Police Department, 2011). The department has provided searchable online crime data through the city's online crime search engine, and citizens can view it using an online Geographic Information System (GIS). Adding, the department's model mainly relies on the usage of advanced technology. Starts from 2004, the Alexandria police department is in the process of decentralizing its operations, and is now operating in three locations. One is at headquarter building at 2003 Mill road, and the other two is in 2034 and 2900 Eisenhower Avenue.  Decentralization of police function contributed to a decline in the effectiveness of communication among various investigative, operational, and administrative units. Information regarding new and emerging crime trends, patterns and neighborhood issues was often fragmented, which in turn fails to unite the department's resources and focus towards proactive and problem solving solutions. Joint efforts among all these units were also far more difficult to organize and manage (Police Department, 2011). More have to be done to improve communication and teamwork at all levels while increasing accountability and measure results on a regular basis. Increased communication among various operational and investigative units, teamwork, active participation, and accountability for results are to be the guiding principles of the department's process.  Ã‚   Crime trend in Alexandria Alexandria is the seventh largest and one of the highest income independent cities in Virginia. New town is largely populated by professionals those who are working with the federal civil service, or for one of the many private companies. On the other hand, the old town with its concentration of boutiques, restaurants, antique shops and theaters, is a major attraction for tourists. Alexandria has experienced a substantial decline in overall crime during the period 1970-2010, but has witnessed a si gnificant increase in scams and white collar crimes such as credit card fraud, worthless check cases, and larcenies of GPS units from vehicles, thefts of dodge caravans, IPods stolen, and phishing phone calls (Brian Block, 2007).

The Risky Undertaking of a Business Opportunity by an Entrepreneur Essay

The Risky Undertaking of a Business Opportunity by an Entrepreneur - Essay Example All organizations have an external environment, which plays a key role in determining the success or failure of the organization (Ebert and Griffin ). The external environment of the organization consists of all the outside forces and factors that may affect the organization either positively or negatively. It is therefore very important for any organization manager to have a clear understanding of this environment. There are six external environments and they can affect an organization either directly or indirectly. The six environments include the domestic environment; this comprises of the environment in which the organization carries out its business and generates income. The second environment is the global environment; this is composed of the international forces and factors that affect the operation of the business either direct or indirect (Ebert and Griffin ). The third environment is technological; this environment is made up of the factors and ways in which the organizatio n generates value for its constituents. Four environments are made up of Political-legal environment; this is comprised of the link between the business and the government. A thorough knowledge into this environment is essential for any manager. The fifth environment is socio-cultural and it deals with the society in which the organization operates. It reflects on the demographic characteristics and the customer's values of society. Lastly, there is the economic environment; this section reflects on the relevant conditions that are linked to the economic system in which the firm operates.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

European Economic Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

European Economic Community - Essay Example Three treaty organizations were considered for the creation of the European Communities known under EC since 1992. The European Economic Community, being the processor of the EC, was a treaty between Belgium, France, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and West Germany. It aimed for the economic inclination of the participating counties which would eventually lead to common political goals and institutions. Today the organization numbers 25 members which all fall under the European Union organization. These are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland1. The aim of this paper is to investigate to what extend the European Union has penetrated the economy of each party and to what extend it represents a new legal order meaning the effect the of the common regulations and policies followed on the participant countries. What's more, the prevalence of Community Laws over local Laws is examines and for this matter the Dutch transport firm Van Gend & Loos case is discussed as an example case. All former are sustained through comparison within the EC member countries and comparison to development rates universally. Since European Community is a pillar of the European Union focusing on environmental, social and primarily economical matters, the two terms are used interchangeably for the rest of this paper. Common Policy Issues The first issue to discuss here are the emerging problems of the common momentary policy implemented four year ago by twelve of the fifteen members and how these were tackled by the Community authorities. To start with and moving away from the prevalence issues per se, attaining the deficit goals is not an easy task and there is not much confidence for all countries. Strong economies are expected to perform better than smaller economies that might not achieve the set standards and conflicts within the union boundaries are common to occur. Secondly, the bilateral conversion rates are put into question as to how much these reflect the currency prior to conversion. Thirdly, the core or strong economy countries will be a lot more lucrative in risk taking; in fact they will be a lot more conservative. Interest rate level however on the fast growing countries however will be a lot higher and countries such as Ireland, Portugal, Greece and Spain. The former might encounter great issues when managing their economies (Krijsman, 1998). The entire former sum up to a list of problems the Community had to tackle even before embracing the common monetary policy. Of course the authority of the Community enforced the members to follow the guidelines imposed to them; these however were based on the actual facts and the potential of each member. In any case, the members followed, or are still trying to in case they have not achieved, the set standards imposed by the EC. The EC Facts The European Union focuses on economic and environmental policies on subjects as agriculture, trade, humanitarian aid and taxation policies. The unique property of common economic policy met within the European Union boundaries holds an extra property; all participating countries will fail or succeed. This is the main concern of countries that refuse to join the European Union as Switzerland and Norway that refuse to jo

Monday, July 22, 2019

George Mead Theory Essay Example for Free

George Mead Theory Essay â€Å"the self is something which has a development; it is not initially there, at birth, but arises in the process of social experience and activity, that is, develops in the given individual as a result of his relations to that process as a whole and to other individuals within that process.† * was an American philosopher, sociologist and psychologist, primarily affiliated with the University of Chicago, where he was one of several distinguished pragmatists * He is regarded as one of the founders of social psychology and the American sociological tradition in general. * Mead is well-known for his theory of the social self, which is based on the central argument that the self is a social emergent. * Mead’s most widely read work, Mind, Self and Society, gives priority to society over the mind and highlights the idea that the social leads to the development of mental states. * Mind is a process, not a thing, and it is found in social phenomena rather than within individuals. * The self occupies a central place in Mead’s theory. * Self is essentially a social structure and it arises in social experience. It is the unique combination of the roles and individual play in relation to others – the complex blending of individual motivations and socially desirable responses. * The self consists of an â€Å"I† which the active side and as object, called â€Å"me†. * Infants begin with no self. As they learn to use the language and other symbols, the self emerges through play which involves taking the roles of significant others. * Gradually children move from simpler games to more complex ones involving others such as team sports. Mead called this generalized others to refer to the general cultural norms and values people use as references in evaluating others. * Mead defines self as the ability to take oneself as an object and identifies basic mechanism of the development of the self as reflexivity the ability to put ourselves into the place of others and acts as they act. * Self can arise only through social experiences, and the traces its development to two stages in childhood: the play stage and game stage. * Play stage – children learn how to take the attitude of particular others themselves. * Game stage – children learn how to take the role of many others and the attitude of the generalized other. * I – is the immediate response of an individual to others; it is unpredictable and creative aspect of the self. * Me – is the organized set of attitudes of others that an individual assumes; it is how society dominates the individual and is a source of social control. Mead’s theory on social self * The social conception of the self entails that individual selves are the product of social interaction and not the logical or biological preconditions of that interaction. It is not initially there at birth but arises in the process of social experience and activity. * Language – allows individuals to take on the â€Å"role of the other† and allows people to respond to his or her own gestures in terms of symbolized attitudes of others. * Is communication via â€Å"significant symbols† and it is through significant communication that the individual is able to take the attitudes of others toward his/herself. Language is not only a â€Å"necessary mechanism† of the mind, but also the primary social foundation of self. * Play – individuals take on the roles of other people and pretend to be those other people in order to express the expectation of significant others. * This process of role-playing is the key to generation of self-consciousness and to the general development of the self. * In the play, the child takes the role of another and acts as though he/she were the other. This form of role-playing involves a single role at a time. Thus, the other which comes into the child’s experience in play is a â€Å"specific other† * Game – individual is required to internalize the roles of all others who are involved with him or her in the game and must comprehend the rules of the game. * Is the stage of social process at which * Generalized other- organized and generalized attitude of a social group. * consists of a composite of all those who contribute and participate in ones society * The individual defines his or her own behavior with reference to the generalized attitude of the social group(s) they occupy. When an individual can view him/herself from the standpoint of the generalized other, self-consciousness in the full sense of the terms is attained. * Me – represents the expectations and the attitudes of others (generalized others). It is the organized set of attitudes others that the individual assumes. * Is the social self * The organized set of attitudes of others which one himself assumes * is that part of the self which comes about as a result of the individuals internalization of societys values and behavior expectations * I – is the response to the â€Å"me†, or the person’s individuality. * Response of the organism to the attitudes of others * is that part of the self which is spontaneous * Self – develops by internalizing the norms of one’s society * Significant other are those with whom the individual has an important relationship

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cytotoxic Activities and Synthesis of Plumbagin

Cytotoxic Activities and Synthesis of Plumbagin 3.1  Introduction Plants produce a large number of diverse natural products or secondary metabolites which are involved in the normal cell growth, development or reproduction of organisms. Some of these compounds offer protection against herbivores and microbial pathogens, while others are involved in defense against abiotic stress, such as UV-B exposure Many of the secondary metabolites have interesting biological properties, which make them desirable candidates for optimization of drug discovery and development processes. The quinonic moiety is considered by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as an important biologically scaffold for the development of new bioactive compounds with good levels of cytotoxicity. Clinically important several well-known antitumoral drugs containing a quinone moiety such as anthracyclines, doxorubicin, mitomycin and mitoxantrones and saintopin which are possess a quinonoid structure. These compounds have also been identified as privileged structures due to their biological activity and structural properties that have been linked to the stimulation of oxidative stress and alkylation of cellular nucleophiles in cancer cells. A representative group of quinonoid compounds of naphthoquinones (1,4-naphthoquinones) constitute one of the largest and diverse groups of plant secondary metabolites which are widely distributed in nature with a wide range of important pharmacological activities 3,4 that include antioxidant, antimicrobial, antifeedent, antiinflammatory, anticancer, and allelopathic activity. Some examples of antitumoral naphthoquinones are plumbagin, juglone, b-lapachol and rhinacanthone. Plumbagin (5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,4-napthoquinone, is a medicinal plant-derived naphthoquinone , which is one of the simplest plant secondary metabolite of three major phylogenic families viz. Plumbaginaceae, Droseraceae, and Ebenceae. Plumbagin is also present in black walnut and other various medicinal plants. It was isolated from the roots of the medicinal plant Plumbag0 zeylanica 1. (also known as Chitrak); The roots of Plumbag0 zeylanica have been used in Indian medicine for more than 2,500 years for treatments of various ailments and which exhibits highly potent biological activities, including antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal activities. Plumbagin are found in plants as they are thought to be present as a defense mechanism due to their cytotoxicity. It is also used extensively in studies investigating oxidative stress. plumbagin has been shown to exert anticancer and antiproliferative activities in animal models and in cell culture. The mechanism of anti-cancer activity of Plumbagin is reportedly by induction of mammalian topoisomerase II mediated DNA cleavage.4 Plumbagin has been reported to intercalate into the DNA. It induces higher levels of p21 and thereby inhibits long patch base pair excision repairs leading to apoptosis . Hybrid drug molecules of plumbagin by combining plumbagin with other appropriate anticancer agents may lead to the generation of novel and potent anticancer drugs with pleiotropic action against human cancers. 2.2  Present work our group has been engaged in the design and synthesis of more potent, less toxic, and more selective analogues, through chemical modification of lead compounds isolated from the active extracts. In the course of such studies, we have undertaken the plumbago zeylanica, a well-known medicinal plant. The major quantity coupled with the biological profile of plumbagin (1) prompted us to continue our studies. Thus, present work was undertaken to synthesize a library of plumbagin derivatives to study their anti-cancer properties. We here in report the synthesis, cytotoxic activities and their preliminary structure-activity relationship studies. to the best of our knowledge no semi-synthetic derivatives of plumbagin derivaties and test for their till date were reported. (Figure 1). Figure 1: Structure of Plumbagin (1). We focused on the synthesis of new of Plumbagin analogues by following routes. As shown in scheme-1, Piperazines and substituted piperazines are most useful pharmacophores that can be found in many marketed drugs, such as the piperazinyl- linked ciprofloxacin dimmers reported as potent antibacterial agents against resistant strains,15 Merck HIV protease inhibitor Crixivan,16 and drugs under development. A novel class of mixed D2/D4 receptor antagonists, dual calcium antagonist, anti malarial agents and potential antipsychotic agents. Recently piperazine derivatives containing tetrazole nucleus have been reported as an antifungal agent and phytochemists had prepared the derivatives of isolated natural products, which are coupling with piperzenes. This piperzene containing natural products enhance the activity than the parent compound. For designing the analogues of plumbagin a substituted piperzines was introduced at the third position of Plumbagin. This was achieved by the Michael addition of plumbagin with secondary amines and a series of Plumbagin derivatives with the Michael adduct were synthesized. plumbagin (1) was subjected to Michel addition of substituted piperzines with K2C03 in EtoH solvent under roomtemparature conditions for 8 h to yield corresponding substituted piperzine plumbagin analogues (scheme 3.1) in 85 to 95% yield. scheme 3.1 Introduction of propargyl group into hydroxy position of plumbagin scheme 3.2 Preparation of oxime derivatives of plumbagin by substituted acids and substituted piperzines. As shown in scheme 3.3 plumbagin (1) was first subjected to methylation on 0H group of plumbagin and then 9 is treated with NH30H.C1, CH3C0ona in EtoH solvent under room temparature conditions for 6 h to yield corresponding to oxime of 5-0-methyl Plumbagin(lo), it was planned to prepare the new ester derivatives of oxime of 5-0-methyl Plumbagin with various aromatic substituted aromatic carboxylic acids by using standard esterification strategies viz: DDC/DAMP, EDCI/DAMP. Despite the considerable experimentation, however, ester derivatives were never being obtained and moreover, in all cases starting material was completely recovered. In view of these discouraging results, we decided to implement the Yamaguchi esterification protocol (2, 4, 6-trichlorobenz0yl chloride, Et3N, THF, DMAP, toluene) to access ester derivatives. to our delight, the reactions proceeded smoothly to yield the target compounds in moderate to good yields. The structures and yields of all synthesized compounds ( ll21) and the yields were in the range of 80 to 95%. scheme 3.3 oxime of 5-0-methyl Plumbagin(lo) treated with propargyl bromide in presence of K2C03 in acetone solvent under roomtemparature conditions for 8 h to yield corresponding propargyl oxime of 5-0-methyl Plumbagin (22) in 90% yield. According to mannich reaction 22 was treated with secondary amines as substituted piperzines in presence of formaldehyde in ethanol solvent under roomtemparature conditions for lo h to yield corresponding propargyl oximes of 5-0-methyl substituted piperzine plumbagin analogues (23-26) (scheme 3.4) in 85 to 90% yield. All the compounds were synthesized for the first time and well characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and ESI HRMS. biological activity: a). Evaluation of the anti-proliferative activity against Hela, PANC1, MDAMB-231, IMR32, HepG2and SKNSH cell lines: Cancer is one of the most serious threats on human health in the wor1d. The mortality and morbidity of cancer patients is the second highest among all diseases in the wor1d, after heart disease. over the past few decades, extensive research has led to the development of a plethora of chemotherapeutic agents; however, none of these agents are capable of completely eliminating cancer. The limitations of current anticancer drugs, increased incidence and rapid development of drug resistance have highlighted the need for the discovery of new anticancer agents, preferably with novel mechanisms of action. to identify new chemical entities for a more effective treatment of cancer, drug designers can follow many strategies, but the crucial decision is always the selection of a suitable starting point from the vast chemical space . In this respect, natural products can be viewed as evolved privileged structures and biologically pre validated leads, in other words, as molecules that have probably evolved evolutionarily to exert highly specialized functions. Recent review pointed out that, about 74% of anticancer compounds being either natural or natural product-derived products, indicating potency of these scaffolds29. Hence, libraries designed and synthesized around the basic structure of such compounds have better chance of displaying desirable biological and pharmacological properties. As a primary screen for cytotoxic activity, cancer cell growth inhibitory properties of plumbagin derivatives along with parent compound were examined using SKNSH, Hela, HepG2 pancreatic carcinoma cell line (PANC 1), breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB 231), neuroblastoma cell line(IMR-32), by MTT assay. doxorubicin was used as the reference drug and the results are summarized in Table-1. The results revealed that some of the synthetic analogues were exhibited promising anticancer activity when compared their parent isolated compounds. Among the tested all derivatives, compounds 9,12, and 16 showed more potent active against HePG2 cell line with an GI50 value of 0.02 ±0.ol, 0.03 ±0.ol, 0.06 ±0.03  µM respectively and Compounds 3, 5, 24, 25 and 26 manifested potent activity against PANC 1 with an GI50 value of 0.4 ±0.03, 0.ol ±0.ol, 0.3 ±0.03, 0.2 ±0.ol, 0.1 ±0.ol,  µM respectively. While remaining all compounds showed moderate activities on all cell lines. Through it is difficult to discuss the structure activity relationship criteria responsible for the cytotoxic activities in this set of compounds from these results, it can be concluded that me, bis(4-fluorophenyl, 4-ethylpiperazin-1-yl on N in piperezens increase the activity and 0-C1, p-methyl, p-no2 on benzene increase the activity. Table 1: Anti-proliferative activity of plumbagin analogues Table- 3.1: biological activities of Plumbagin analogues (1-26). Sample Hela PANC 1 HepG2 SKNSH MDA-MB-231 IMR32 GI50 GI50 GI50 GI50 GI50 GI50 3.6 ±0.2 2.3 ±0.3 0.7 ±0.1 1.1 ±0.2 8.7 ±0.62 >lo0 14.8 ±0.9 2.9 ±0.7 49.9 ±0.6 4.0 ±0.6 4.3 ±0.65 >lo0 8.4 ±0.7 0.4 ±0.03 >lo0 0.4 ±0.05 2.7 ±0.82 >lo0 2.0 ±0.6 0.9 ±0.6 2.8 ±0.3 0.6 ±0.ol 0.97 ±0.78 0.13 ±0.02 4.1 ±0.9 0.ol ±0.ol >lo0 lo.0 ±0.6 2.3 ±0.7 0.ll ±0.06 4.0 ±3.1 0.5 ±0.07 6.1 ±0.3 3.1 ±0.1 >lo0 >lo0 14.1 ±0.8 2.6 ±1.8 1.7 ±0.2 14.9 ±0.7 0.35 ±0.03 >lo0 19.9 ±1.7 5.5 ±0.4 >lo0 >lo0 0.4 ±0.02 0.17 ±0.08 9.2 ±1.3 6.4 ±0.5 0.02 ±0.ol 1.3 ±0.6 >lo0 >lo0 12.3 ±6.6 0.8 ±0.09 0.5 ±0.06 35.1 ±0.9 6.8 ±0.6 0.046 ±0.ol 6.5 ±1.6 0.9 ±0.06 >lo0 0.9 ±0.09 >lo0 21.5 ±0.5 2.6 ±1.7 1.8 ±0.1 0.03 ±0.ol 1.0 ±0.06 0.79 ±0.07 0.13 ±0.02 3.8 ±1.0 0.4 ±0.1 0.3 ±0.03 0.16 ±0.03 >lo0 0.6 ±0.06 2.3 ±1.2 90.0 ±1.0 12.4 ±1.7 >lo0 5.2 ±0.3 >lo0 16.2 ±0.9 26.4 ±0.9 2.9 ±0.2 4.3 ±0.7 >lo0 >lo0 7.8 ±2.9 24.4 ±6.1 0.06 ±0.03 >lo0 26.2 ±0.63 1.7 ±0.2 8.6 ±1.5 22.2 ±0.7 2.5 ±0.3 >lo0 0.06 >lo0 13.8 ±0.1 25.9 ±0.4 0.2 ±0.04 >lo0 >lo0 >lo0 7.6 ±3.7 18.8 ±1.3 2.0 ±0.9 >lo0 >lo0 0.ll ±0.02 4.1 ±0.3 14.7 ±0.9 0.3 ±0.05 20.5 ±2.2 >lo0 0.34 ±0.07 7.4 ±1.2 16.0 ±1.0 3.5 ±0.4 >lo0 1.8 ±0.6 51.3 ±0.4 5.7 ±0.3 >lo0 34.2 ±2.6 >lo0 1.8 ±0.8 0.32 ±0.05 2.2 ±1.0 0.6 ±0.04 57.0 ±0.7 22.4 ±1.1 5.8 ±0.4 >lo0 1.1 ±0.06 0.3 ±0.03 3.5 ±0.4 >lo0 3.5 ±0.5 >lo0 1.3 ±0.1 0.2 ±0.ol 1.2 ±0.7 12.6 ±3.3 >lo0 19.8 ±0.8 5.2 ±0.4 0.1 ±0.ol 2.0 ±0.2 >lo0 4.7 ±0.78 >lo0 doxorubicin Cytotoxic assy : All cell lines (SIHA, PANC 1, MDA MB -231, IMR -32, DU-145 and A549) used in this study were purchased from the American Type Culture The cell lines (ATCC), United States. The synthesized test compounds were evaluated for their in vitro anti proliferative activity in these six different human cancer cell lines. A protocol of 48 h continuous drug exposure was used, and a SRB cell proliferation assay was used to estimate cell viability or growth. All the cell lines were grown in Dulbecc0s modified Eagles medium (containing lo% FBS in a humidified atmosphere of 5% C02 at 37  °C). Cells were trypsinized when sub-confluent from T25 flasks/60 mm dishes and seeded in 96-well plates in lo0ÃŽ ¼1 aliquots at plating densities depending on the doubling time of individual cell lines. The microliter plates were incubated at 37  °C, 5% C02, 95% air, and lo0% relative humidity for 24 h prior to addition of experimental drugs and were incubated for 48 hrs with different doses (0.ol, 0.1, 1, lo, ,lo0 µM) of prepared derivatives. After 48 hours incubation at 37  °C, cell monolayers were fixed by the addition of lo% (wt/vol) cold trichloroacetic acid and incubated at 4  °C for 1h and were then stained with 0.057% SRB dissolved in 1% acetic acid for 30 min at room temperature. Unbound SRB was washed with 1% acetic acid. The protein –bound dye was dissolved in lomM Tris base solution for 0D determination at 5lo nm using a microplate reader (Enspire, Perkin elmer, USA). Using the seven absorbance measurements [time zero, (Tz), control growth, (C), and test growth in the presence of drug at the five concentration levels (Ti)], the percentage growth was calculated at each of the drug concentrations levels. Percentage growth inhibition was calculated as: [(Ti-Tz)/(C-Tz)] x lo0 for concentrations for which Ti>/=Tz [(Ti-Tz)/Tz] x lo0 for concentrations for which Ti Three dose response parameters were calculated for each experimental agent. Growth inhibition of 50 % (GI50) was calculated from [(Ti-Tz)/(C-Tz)] x lo0 = 50, which is the drug concentration resulting in a 50% reduction in the net protein increase (as measured by SRB staining) in control cells during the drug incubation. The drug concentration resulting in total growth inhibition (TGI) was calculated from Ti = Tz. The 1C50 (concentration of drug resulting in a 50% reduction in the measured protein at the end of the drug treatment as compared to that at the beginning) indicating a net loss of cells following treatment was calculated from [(Ti-Tz)/Tz] x lo0 = -50. Values were calculated for each of these three parameters if the level of activity is reached; however, if the effect is not reached or is exceeded, the value for that parameter was expressed as greater or less than the maximum or minimum concentration tested. 3.4  Conclusion In conclusion, we have successfully synthesized thirty one analogues of Plumbagin (1) and these analogues were evaluated for their anti-cancer activities. Majority of the compounds exhibited significant anti-cancer activity than the parent compound Plumbagin (1) and this study also provides an initial structure–activity data, based on derivatives of Plumbagin (1). The results are an indicative of the fact that the compound 5 proved to be the best analogue with GI50 of 12 proved to be the best analogue with GI50 of invivo studies need to be carried out for revealing the exact mechanism of action and will be taken up in the future in our laboratory. 3.5  Experimental Section Plant material : Plumbag0zeylanica was collected from Tirumala forest, Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh, India, in August 2007. The plant material was identified by Dr. K. Madhav Chetty, Botany Department, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi. A voucher of the plant was deposited in the Herbarium of the Botany Department. Extaction and isolation: The shade-dried roots of Plumbag0 zeylanica were powdered in a pulvarizer (lo kg) and extracted with chloroform/methanol, 1:1 followed by the concentration under reduced pressure. The resulting extract was (70 g) chromatographed over silica gel (60–120 mesh) and eluted with n-hexane/ethyl acetate combinations of increasing polarity. Plumbagin (12 g) was obtained by elution with n-hexane/ethyl acetate, 99:1. General procedure for the synthesis of piperzene (Secondary amine) derivatives (2-7): to a solution of the Compound 1(leq) in ethanol (3m1) in presence of potassium carbonate as a catalyst was added secondry amine (piperzene) stirred at room temperature for 8 h. The reaction mixture was diluted with Ethyl acetate (lo m1), washed with c0oled ice and brine solution. The organic layer was dried over Na2so4, filtered, and concentrated under reduced pressure. The residue was purified by column chromatography using the mobile phase Acetone in Hexane afforded secondary amine (piperzene) derivatives.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Iceland Ltd Human Resource Management Analysis

Iceland Ltd Human Resource Management Analysis The organization chosen for the given three tasks is Iceland Ltd. An affiliation cant come up with a superb gathering of working specialists without incredible Human Resources. The key components of the Human Resources Management (HRM) aggregate consolidate enrolling people, setting them up, execution assessments, awakening delegates and furthermore workplace correspondence, working environment security, and a great deal of other stuff. The HR executives devise courses of action and methodology for getting the right kind of people. They arrange the criteria which is most fitting for a specific expected arrangement of duties. Their diverse endeavors related to enrollment join figuring the duties of an agent and the degree of errands consigned to him or her. In light of these two factors, the understanding of a delegate with the association is prepared. At whatever point required, they also offer planning to the employees as demonstrated by the necessities of the affiliation. Henceforth, the staff people find the opportunity to sharpen their present capacities or make specific aptitudes which therefore, will help them to take up some new parts. A not too bad working condition is one of the points of interest that the agents can envision from a viable human resource gather. A secured, spotless and strong environment can draw out the best in a delegate. An intriguing air gives the staff people work satisfaction as well. The HR talks with the staff freely from time to time and gives all the critical information concerning their displays and besides describes their specific parts. This is invaluable as it engages them to shape a design of their normal destinations in much clearer terms and in this way, helps them execute the targets with most perfect attempts. 1.1 Human resource management is the new form of personnel management. There is no any watertight contrast between human resource management and personnel management. Be that as it may, there are a few contrasts in the accompanying matters. A HR administrators part is to guarantee that business directors apply HR arrangements and methods reliably through all specialty units. This creates organizations crosswise over various groups, which bolsters corporate points and targets. (Accounting-management, 2009) PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Personnel management is a customary approach of overseeing individuals in the association. Personnel management concentrates on faculty organization, worker welfare and work connection. Personnel management expect individuals as a contribution for accomplishing craved yield. Under personnel management, faculty capacity is attempted for representatives fulfillment. Under personnel management, work configuration is done on the premise of division of work. Under personnel management, representatives are given less preparing and advancement openings. In personnel management, choices are made by the top management according to the tenets and control of the association. Personnel management concentrates on expanded generation and fulfilled representatives. Personnel management is worried with personnel director. Personnel management is a standard capacity. Human resource management is a current approach of overseeing individuals and their qualities in the association. Human resource management concentrates on securing, improvement, inspiration and upkeep of HR in the association. Human resource management expect individuals as an imperative and significant resource for accomplishing coveted yield. Under human resource management, regulatory capacity is attempted for objective accomplishment. Under human resource management, work configuration capacity is done on the premise of gathering work/cooperation. Under human resource management, representatives are given all the more preparing and improvement openings. In human resource management, choices are made on the whole subsequent to considering representatives interest, power, decentralization, aggressive environment and so on. Human resource management concentrates on adequacy, culture, profitability and workers investment. Human resource management is worried with all level of administrators start to finish. Human resource management is a vital capacity. 1.2 In every association, there are a few functions tending to the motivations behind the association. Since human resource management is a fundamental and basic issue for association so HRM has additionally a few capacities like recruitment and choice, execution, preparing and improvement and so forth. Hiring demonstrates the entire exercises from circular for workers to definite selection. In this range expected set of responsibilities, circular, various composed or viva voice, transaction and last contract to the chose people. Preparing and improvement alludes to the basic learning and lessons about the information expected to play out the occupations. Representative advancement likewise alludes to develop workers as viable and proficient for particular employments. The association need to ensure that individuals they have the correct aptitudes and experience to execution work getting it done now and in future. To address the motivations behind Iceland, the human resource management duties are assuming an imperative part. Iceland has a reasonable and particular representative recruitment strategy. Iceland dependably lean towards quality as opposed to quantity. Iceland dependably attempt to favor the gifted, ability and shrewd representatives with no segregation. This recruitment approach is exceptionally adding to Iceland to guarantee todays lucrative position in market. Iceland has some master mentors by whom it acclimates the successful preparing and learning session. (Human resource management functions HR l concepts l topics l definitions l abour laws l online, no date) 1.3 (The HR Answer Book) It is past depiction matter that the parts and obligations of line chiefs of any association is critical to accomplish definitive objectives of that association (Bose lie, Dietz and Boon, 2005). Since the key capacities are administered by the line directors so line administrators ought to be exceptionally earnest, devoted, educated and legit. Iceland todays notoriety and lucrative position in market is being conceivable by a solid and particular administration framework. One of the remarkable component of this accomplishment is the parts and duties of line administrators. The parts and obligations of line directors of Iceland are particular. Line supervisors dependably regulate their subordinates appropriately. Line administrators of Iceland are exceptionally dependable regarding aiding and critical thinking in every day operations of their subordinates. In light of the way of life of Iceland, there is a solid relationship between the line chiefs and their subordinates. This relationship helps the workers take Iceland as their own particular association. Furthermore, by dint of this relationship situation Iceland is presently at this level. 1.4 (The HR Answer Book) From the earliest starting point of 21st century, business associations and its exercises are administered by a certain and compelling institutional administrative structure. This administrative system impact the general exercises of business association. Whats more, human resource management is a key issue to be impacted by administrative structure. Administrative system is quite impact the human resource office when organization goes for universal operations for business exhibitions. Iceland is intense and delicate as far as separation in human resource administration work on concerning the moral and legitimate point of view of lawful edge work. Human resource administration division of Iceland is additionally affected by lawful structure in wording on work question, work relations, work rights, remuneration, representative workplace, association demeanor towards its workers etc. The another zone of human resource administration to be impacted by lawful system is equivalent worker opportunity. So the effect of administrative system of Iceland positive as Iceland dependably attempt to accomplish the best by its dedication to satisfy the standards and directions law and morals. 2.1 (The Big Book of HR) It is said that, a right plan is half of done. Human resource arranging alludes the procedure and system and assurance the necessities of an associations human resource. Arranging is must for an association. Without appropriate arranging no action can be performed splendidly for most extreme cases. Since human resource administration is a crucial element for association so significance of getting ready for human resource is exceptionally fundamental. There are some vital explanations behind Iceland making arrangements for human resource arranging. Some of those motivations to be talked about at this point. Firstly Iceland dependably attempts to make the connecting between associations procedure to human resource arranging. Iceland likewise requirements for making arrangements for evaluating momentum HR, deciding the interest for work, anticipating the future work supply, finding or looking the required representatives, coordinating the request and supply for work. Human resource arranging helps Iceland to deal with its human resource adequately and effectively. 2.2 (Michael Armstrong Armstrongs Handbook on Human Resources Management) For human resource recruitment there are some standard stages that can be received by an association. Those stages are practically normal for medium and substantial size of associations. Be that as it may, for accomplishing or benefiting upper hands as far as human resource numerous associations are currently honing at those phases in to some degree diverse ways. Iceland is exceptionally notable and popular brand in the business world as far as its cooperative attitude regarding representative determination process and worker and boss relationship. For this Iceland needs to receive some recruitment stages viably and proficiently. Two noteworthy phases of Iceland recruitment of workers are recruiting sources and meeting the association. Firstly Iceland should attempt to keep up by its recruiting sources by inside source, worker referrals and suggestions, outside hunts with notice, representative office, school, college, spontaneous candidates. Whats more, meeting the association incorporates resumes gathering, some last comments, viva voice lastly the recruitment is happened. 2.3 Recruitment and choice process is one of the real issues of human resource administration. A definitive achievement or disappointment significantly relies on upon recruitment and determination procedure of any association. Recruitment and determination process differs from association to association and nation to nation. A few contrasts are seen between the recruitment and determination procedure of Iceland and Tesco, Sainsburys. From the foundation of Iceland it has been realized that Iceland take after a reasonable and non-segregation for recruitment and choice process. Corporate administrations are completely trailed by it. Adjacent to that it attempt to choose the dynamic, keen, informative individuals. Iceland recruitment and determination handle begins with ad and finishes with useful or demo session. The huge contrasts are seen amongst Iceland and three others specified above in recruitment and choice process regarding inside determination, contracting individuals for conclusi ve choice process and so forth. (SHRM, 2016) 2.4 On the off chance that we attempt to assess the viability of the recruitment and determination methods in above chosen associations we can state that the recruitment and choice procedure of Iceland is exceptionally viable contrasted with others. The procedure or system took after by Iceland guarantees the equivalent representative open doors. Reasonable and required representatives can be chosen by that way. One the other hand for other three associations there may inward determination prepare that can come about howl the desire execution level. Iceland never inclines toward nepotism regarding recruitment and choice process that guarantees the viability and proficiency as far as exhibitions. In any case, there might be some issue emerge since a couple minute perception by test and viva may not generally function admirably. In such manner inward recruitment and determination prepare at times function admirably since by this procedure restorative recruitment is conceivable at a more noteworthy degree. (Todays news, 2016) 3.1 Regularly there is a solid relationship between reward framework and inspiration. Inspiration can originate from numerous ways. Suitable reward framework is one of them. From the above contextual investigation it has been seen that inborn needs comes about the solid inspiration for the workers. The inborn needs are the requirements of the individual needs. Individual, for the most part, have various key mental needs including the need to feel that worker can accomplish something great, they should be a part of gathering, the requirement for regard and consolation from others. Those necessities may originate from some specific issue like advancement, settling on choice, adding to a group, doing assortment of undertakings etc. Iceland is such an association, to the point that has a solid duty to address these issues by occupation pivot, worker engagement, representative inclusion in basic leadership that dependably make a solid connection amongst representative and boss. 3.2 There is a cozy relationship between employment or execution assessment and installment. Be that as it may, installment methodology may differ association to association and nation to nation over the world. In a few associations employment or execution assessment is just a single criteria to decide the installment. Also, it is valid for little retail association for the most extreme cases. Be that as it may, if there should arise an occurrence of extensive size based enterprise different variables with employment assessment might be considered as vital issue to decide the installment or pay. In light of the situation of Iceland it has been watched that, are three strategies for occupation assessment are seen like requesting technique, grouping strategy and point strategy. Requesting technique otherwise called positioning strategy for the most part comprised by both administration and worker agents organizing work from most astounding to least request. (SHRM, 2016) 3.3 As indicated by the specialists of human resources administration, four sorts of reward framework are there honed by the associations. They are continuously inborn versus outward reward framework, money related versus non-monetary reward framework, work put issue: work improvement, execution based versus participation based reward system. The thought process and objective of every association is not same. So one reward framework is successful for one association. It differs association to association. In the event that we attempt to survey the reward arrangement of Iceland it can be seen that Iceland is taking after the natural reward framework that is exceptionally powerful for this association. The workers of this association is such a great amount of satisfied to this reward framework. The qualities or elements of inborn reward framework are extremely useful for its representatives as this reward framework incorporates cooperation in basic leadership, more noteworthy occupation flexibility and watchfulness, obligation, all the more intriguing work, self-awareness openings, differing qualities of exercises. These all components are exceptionally useful to propel and hold the workers of this association. (SHRM, 2016) 3.4 Observing workers and execution administration is one of the key calculates human resources administration. Without legitimate observing and execution administration a firm or association cant see a definitive achievement in future. When we attempt to look at the strategies embraced by Iceland to screen representatives execution a few inquiries might be extremely useful to analyze it. Those inquiries ought to be (1) Is the strategy performed well? (2) Are there any productive techniques more compelling than that of it? (3) How really it functions admirably? Finding every one of the solutions from the handy situation we ought to observe to Iceland way to deal with do it. We can see that Iceland is extremely willing to draw in its workers in basic leadership, to employment advancement and so on. The motivations behind Iceland are being accomplished thusly. Presently we can think if this association takes other techniques to screen its representatives then what will be the genuine situation? The answer can be exceptionally critical. So one might say that the strategy took after by Iceland is working well for it. ([emailprotected] snippet, 2017) 4.1 (The Managers Guide to HR- Max Muller) As I have said there are some particular purposes for end of work like end of business operations, minimizing the work cost, out of line method for representatives, work debate and so on. Faisals termination at the Chicken Master was truly justified as he was paying no attention to the work. His absence during working hours, inefficiency in work was the main reasons. He used to ignore his duties while spending time on calls with her wife or daughter. He was an irresponsible worker. As he was also caught in pornography and other non-acceptable stuff, Bob did the right thing by cancelling his contract. Bob was very much justified in doing so as he warned Faisal a lot of times about his issues but Faisal paid no heed to it. When we see the explanations behind discontinuance of work with uncommon motivations to the associations it is to specify that the suspension rate of work of the Chicken Master is low. For the most extreme cases suspension of work in an organization happens for misrepresentation and most elevated truancy rate of representatives, money related aversion in early phases of its operations. Other than that suspension of work is found in associations in view of exceptionally poor execution as far as client dealings, client relationship keeping up. Among the reasons specified above money related abhorrence is striking exceptionally for the greater part of the associations. Late world financial emergency is the appropriate case for it. 4.2 Work exit system is the following stride of end of business. It fluctuates association to association and nation to nation. In any case, the privileges of workers must to be guaranteed by every kind of association. The business leave method framework ought to be reasonable and particular. As indicated by the work right association must guarantee the reasonable method for business leave technique. Business leave methodology of any organization should be exceptionally excellent. Firstly it should advise the representative formally about suspension. Also it should offers time to representative to set his or her contention against the progression taken by association. In the event that representative is not ready to put his or her contention in his or her support, association should formally eliminate him or her at long last. At that point the association should satisfy all the necessity because of the worker. And a discontinuance card should sent to the address of representative. (The balance, 2017) 4.3 (The Managers Guide to HR- Max Muller) Keeping up the administrative structure at the season of discontinuance of work is extremely basic for partnerships of the business world. Every single association must need to take after the terms and states of suspension and leave strategies of work. When we consider the end course of action of work in the Chicken Master it is seen that the suspension technique of the Chicken Master match every one of the prerequisites of legitimate issue. The Chicken Master never attempt to abuse any terms and conditions got from lawful system. From the foundation of the Chicken Master it is realized that, the Chicken Master never attempted to skirt any articles and arrangement of work law and work rights as far as end methods. From the above exchange we can finish up such a route, to the point that since human resources administration is a constantly rehearsing issue so it assumes a critical part on associations general execution. On the off chance that an association needs to increase full profit by human resources administration it ought to take after every one of the areas of HRM. In a little retail association there are might be a couple of people are selected for its every day operations and exhibitions. Here an imperious method of the proprietor is watched. Iceland never inclines toward nepotism as far as enlistment and choice process that guarantees the viability and proficiency as far as exhibitions. From the foundation of Iceland it is realized that, Iceland never attempted to avoid any articles and arrangement of work law and work rights as far as end procedures. Iceland itself has legitimate counseling board that dependably bargain the lawful based issues and gives the reasonable and particular consultancy to make the essential strides. Suspension of work is an extremely touchy issue for an association in present day and focused universe of discontinuance. In spite of the fact that discontinuance is not expected any more from an association but rather still this situation is happening in a few associations. End can be happened by the end of any association or minimizing the work costs or any debating or unjustifiable method for means. Suspension of business is more touchy issue due to work law and work rights. Executing examinations, when gone up against a steady start, goad the employees. In an organization, there are a couple issues on which level headed discussion may rise between the employees and the organizations. You can state conflicts are basically unavoidable. In such a circumstance, it is the human resource division which goes about as an expert and judge to manage those issues compellingly. They first hear the grievances of the specialists. By then they consider sensible responses for manage them. By the days end, they make propitious move and keep things from leaving hands. The obligation of setting up incredible publicizing lies with the HRM in a manner of speaking. They mastermind gatherings, courses and distinctive expert parties for the association remembering the true objective to create organization with various business divisions. As a less than dependable rule, the HR division expects a dynamic part in setting up the business and publicizing suspects the organization too. Any organization, without a proper setup for HRM will without a doubt experience the evil impacts of huge issues while managing its standard activities. Subsequently, today, associations must put an extensive measure of effort and essentialness into setting up a strong and effective HRM. [1] Accounting-management (2009) Available at: [2] Human resource management functions HR l concepts l topics l definitions l abour laws l online (no date) Available at: [3] Michael Armstrong Armstrongs Handbook on Human Resources Management. [4] SHRM (2016) Popular tools. Available at: [5] Todays news (2016) Available at: [6] BE IN THE KNOW ONÂ   (2016). Available at: [7] [emailprotected] snippet (2017) Available at: [8] The Managers Guide to HR by Max Muller-Second Edition [9] The balance (2017) Available at:

The Reality of Cloning Essay -- Critical Thinking Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jerry L. Hall, then a researcher at the George Washington University Medical Center, presented the results of his in-vitro fertilization experiment at the 1993 meeting of the American Fertility Society in Montreal. Dr. Hall gave an interesting speech and the comments on his speech consisted of "nice job" and other positive remarks. On his return to George Washington University, Dr. Hall expected the same feedback, and he was shocked when the October 26, 1993 cover of the New York Times announced, "Scientist clones human embryos, and creates an ethical challenge." Ethicists pictured images of baby farming and of clones cannibalized for "spare parts." Protesters chanted on the streets to immediately ban human-embryo cloning. The cover of Newsweek had images of babies in beakers, and the debate concerning test tube babies resurfaced. L'Osservatore Romano from Vatican city stated these "procedures could lead humanity down a tunnel of madness." And many other groups and individuals expressed their horror of cloning humans. Professor Hans Bernhard Wuermeling, a medical ethicist at the University o... ...y the price for Michael Jordan if this was a possibility? Be at rest, no Hitler race will take over the world in the near future. But Jerry Hall may help many couples have families because the goal of his experiment was to help people.    Works Cited Elmer-Dewitt, Philip. Where Do We Draw the Line? Time. November 8, 1997: 64-70. Herbert, Wray. The World After Cloning. U.S. News and World Report. March 10, 1997: 59-64. Scientist clones human embryos, and creates an ethical challenge. New York Times. October 26, 1993: A1.      

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Only Man I have Ever Loved Essay -- miscellaneous

The Only Man I have Ever Loved Life is a made up of a collection of moments. Some people say that one must learn from obstacles that everyone struggles with. Some people say that every challenge helps to achieve stregth of character and self-growth. Ever since I remember, the most significant change in my life was the loss of my father. Even though it was a very hurtful experience, it helped me to know myself better as a person, realize that I can realize on myself and understand what an inspiration my father was and still is to me. First of all, everything was special and different when my dad was alive. Since he was the one who maintained the family economically, there was nothing to discuss about when he had made a decision. For instance, when I was a teenager, my dad always wanted me to join the art group at school, which was noticeably unpopular among the students at my high school. Since I would do anything to keep my dad happy, I decided to join the art group in spite of my dislike of drawing. At that time I had the idea that I didn't know what I was going to do with my future. I was suppose to go to engineering school just because dad said so. As time evolved, I recognized that I wasn't going to be satisfied working in a field that didn't seem interesting to me. When my father died, I understood that I was the one responsible for building my future, and that was when I actually started to work on what I really enjoy doing: science. By working in that area, I fe...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

United States Department of State V. Ray

Marquise Green United States Department of State v. Ray Part I Every year millions of young adults graduate from their respective high schools, pack up their belongings, leave their parental guided homes behind, and set off for college. The first thing that comes to mind when leaving the parents behind is their first true sense of freedom. The freedom to do what they please with no curfew, no guidelines, and no pre-disposed consequences for their actions is the freedom they’ve been working hard throughout the maturing years of their childhood.Upon arrival it seems as though this is the case, but as time passes one realizes that the so called freedom they attained comes with an inherited circumstance. The privacy that you once had in the safety of your home in your bedroom is violated by the inheritance of a roommate and the dorm lifestyle. Some may not have ever had this privacy due to their initial guardians, but the fact remains, that you have to share your space, time, and livelihood with the accompanied male or female assigned. The right to privacy is protected by many laws in our country’s government.Included in these laws is the Freedom of Information Act in which the case at hand regards. In the United States Department of State v. Ray (502 U. S. 164, 112 S. Ct. 541) a group of Haitians seeking political asylum from our government, using the FOIA as a precedent for their reasoning, sought to receive the names and information withheld from them of Haitian emigrants who were previously sent back to Haiti upon arrival to the United States. The State Department in this case was known as the petitioner (plaintiff) and the respondent (defendant) was the Florida lawyer Michael D.Ray representing the Haitian nationals and his clients. In a more detailed summary, it was stated that a group of Haitians depressed with their countries devastations, sought to illegally immigrate to the U. S. seeking asylum as political refugees. As our nation’s g overnment caught attention of the immigrants, they imposed a plan to apprehend and reinsert the immigrants of who did not qualify for political asylum back into Haiti. Fearing the immigrants’ safety from persecution upon arrival, they comprised an agreement with the Haitian government to restrain from persecuting these individuals for their actions.Also, they set forth a series of interviews with the immigrants to follow up on the agreement’s standing. This is where our case’s foreground was cemented. The remaining Haitian nationals known to be the respondents, made a series of FOIA requests to government agencies for copies of the reports of the interviews the State Department held from the returning Haitians. They wanted to prove that there was indeed a fear of prosecution upon returning to Haiti that entitled the immigrants to asylum in the U. S.The problem at hand was that some of the information they received had been redacted or edited before the Haitian n ationals received them. The State Department’s reasoning is that upon assigning the agreement with the Haitian government and the returning immigrants they interviewed, they vowed that they would not disclose any information of their names and whereabouts for their safety due to an invasion of privacy. The respondents argued that the right to privacy is outweighed by public interest and the Freedom of Information Act gives them the right.The following case was settled in the Supreme Court with Justice Stevens delivering the ruling however, let us start with the District Court’s ruling. The District Court sided with the respondents and held that the invasion of privacy in this situation, giving away the names and addresses of the individuals was of little significance and was dominantly outweighed by public interest in the â€Å"safe relocation of returned Haitians. † They ordered the State Department to surrender the redacted information. Upon reaching the Court of Appeals, they too sided with the respondents though they disagreed with some of the pretenses.They first argued that the privacy of the Haitians was indeed significant given the fact that the respondents wanted the information to contact the returned Haitians directly and to question them, and second, that the returnees were previously promised confidentiality from our government. Though they argued these points, the court concluded that â€Å"the indirect benefit of giving respondents the means to locate the Haitian returnees†¦provided a public value that required disclosure. The Supreme Court then granted certiorari. Here lies a more detailed description of the FOIA.One precedent in the case was from John Doe Agency v. John Doe Corp. which it stated, â€Å"The Freedom of Information Act was enacted to facilitate public access to Government documents. † In the FOIA there are a series of 9 exemptions to disclosure of this information. These are put in place to ensur e the protection of federal agencies and certain information that shouldn’t be viewed by the public. Specifically in this case, Exemption 6 was used by the State Department stating that â€Å"personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Upon further examination of the FOIA and Exemption 6 they lean to the Department of Air Force v. Rose case as a precedent for their decision. The key concept in this exemption which the Court examined is â€Å"†¦a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. † The main points that the Supreme Court derived its decision from were that first; they felt that public interest had initially been satisfied by the disclosure of the redacted interview summaries, and the unredacted documents would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy.They felt that the addition of the redacted files would not give any further information that t he respondents seek. The second, was that the public interest the respondents rely on stems from they might find information outside of the Government files, which inherits â€Å"derivative use† that which the law doesn’t stand for. And finally that the respondents were seeking to attain information with hopes to find evidence that would challenge the integrity of our government officials. The Supreme Court concluded that â€Å"the proposed invasion of the serious privacy interest of the Haitian returnees is clearly unwarranted. With that being said the judgment of the Court of Appeals was reversed. The opinion preceding the decision was made by Justice Scalia and Justice Kennedy concurring in part and in the judgment. They stated that the majority agreed that whether to establish a public interest or to establish an invasion of privacy is impermissible considering derivative uses. They contended that the FOIA would be more sensible if it included â€Å"cause, produc e or lead to† when associating with clearly unwanted invasion of personal privacy.They believed that there shouldn’t have been an argument for Exemption 6. U. S. officials pledged confidentiality knowing that the information regarding the interviews is something that a person would not want to be shared, therefore an invasion of personal privacy. They conclude that there is nothing substantial about the other side’s argument for public interest that can compete, so this is â€Å"clearly unwarranted† and upholds to Exemption 6. Part II In the first case documenting my chosen case as a precedent, Long v. United States Department of Justice (778 F.Supp. 2d 222), petitioners brought action against the Department of Justice attempting to attain records relating to health care providers’ reports of vaccine administration and the reactions of the administration, specifically the vaccine types and dates. The DOJ stated that the reasoning for them withholdin g the information from the public was due to the FOIA’s exemption 6 regarding the personal privacy of the patients. They stated that the information would provide â€Å"specific medical information† about the named individuals.The District Court of New York held however, that even though the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 gives right to health care providers to withhold information, the DOJ had nothing that just justified their decision to withhold the type of vaccine administered or the date of the administration. The Court also stated that the DOJ failed to satisfy the burden of justifying the withholding under Exemption 6. With these findings, the Court initially granted summary judgment in way of the plaintiff and ordered the disclosure of the information.The DOJ then motioned for reconsideration which the Court granted. In reconsideration, the DOJ requested for summary judgment on both the FOIA’s Exemption 3 and 6. First, the DOJ stated that the vaccine types and dates were withheld under Exemption 3, which exempts disclosure by statute, due to statute 300aa-12(d)(4)(A) which prohibits disclosure of this information. The plaintiffs however, argued that the meaning of the word â€Å"information† is too broad and can’t specifically relate to the subject, vaccine types and dates of administration.Further, they contradicted the definition of the word â€Å"information† as defined in the statute to the actual dictionary definition to better prove their position in the argument. Though valid in point, it couldn’t outweigh the substantiality of Exemption 6 in which we find our initial court case as precedent. Exemption 6, stated prior, exempts disclosure of â€Å"personnel and medical files and similar files,† like these, due to a â€Å"clear, unwarranted invasion of privacy. In discussion of Exemption 6, the Court stated that it is set forth to â€Å"protect individuals from the injury and embarrassment that can result from the unnecessary disclosure of personal information. Basically the Court is weighing public interest versus personal privacy like in our original court case. In regards to our previous case’s relevance as a precedent in this case, the vaccine types and dates were linked to docket numbers which revealed the names and medical information of individuals that shouldn’t be disclosed. They quoted United States Dep’t of State v.Ray stating, (â€Å"disclosure of†¦ personal information constitutes only a de minimis invasion of privacy when the identities†¦ are unknown, the invasion of privacy becomes significant when the personal information is linked to particular† individuals). The Court realized that this put the information at risk of invading personal privacy and was the main factor in their final decision. In conclusion the Court ordered the reconsideration of the defendant, vacated the initial motion for summary judgment, and denied the plaintiffs cross-motion to receive the vaccine types and dates of administration.In my second case regarding my chosen case as a precedent, the FOIA’s Exemption 6 was also used to reach a decision. In Sherman v. United States Department of the Army (244 F. 3d 357) action was brought against the army to produce documents relating to service awards. These documents however, included the social security numbers of service personnel. The reasoning for Sherman’s lawsuit was because the Army redacted the SSNs from the documents pursuant to Exemption 6, knowing that this could cause risk for an unwarranted invasion of personnel privacy.The procedure for redaction was relatively expensive and the Army felt that if Sherman wanted the documents he should pay for it. Sherman argued that this was outrageous and that the documents shouldn’t have to be redacted. The U. S. District Court for Southern Texas agreed that this might be a potential personal privacy risk and ruled summary judgment in favor of the Army which later got appealed. In the Court of Appeals is where we find our case’s precedent. There were two main points in which analysis was needed, Sherman’s waiver argument and Exemption 6 balancing.In the waiver argument, Sherman, instead of contesting Exemption 6, argued that the Army uses SSNs publicly in several situations. He used recreational orders and services such as airlines, hotels, and other public organizations. Sherman backed his argument using other cases as precedent and also argued that allowing the Army to withhold material that was already released they will have power to selectively control the power of disclosure for any documents containing SSNs.The Court however, contended that even though the Sherman gave a valid argument that pertains to a group or agency, only the individual whose privacy is protected by Exemption 6 can waiver their individual privacy interests, declining Shermanâ₠¬â„¢s argument. The Court then moved to balancing the sides on the Exemption 6 issue. Basically what they’re doing here is deciding whether the disclosure of SSNs is indeed â€Å"clearly unwarranted† in respects to personal privacy interest. They leaned most of their premise on Congress and the laws that protect personal privacy.In evaluation, they came to the derivative use theory and noticed that certain implications could arise from the disclosure of Sherman’s request. In Justice Scalia’s concurring opinion of United States Department of State v. Ray Scalia states â€Å"†¦solely upon what the requested information reveals, not what it might lead to. † What this means in assessment is that the Army’s claim for defense is because this information could potentially lead to harm to the individuals through the possibility of identity fraud.In the conclusion of the analysis the Court claims that the redaction of the SSNs does not stop the public interest of attaining the award orders. Rather, it protects the individuals from an unwarranted invasion of their personal privacy. In Sherman’s argument he failed to identify that public interest (in the SSNs) would outweigh the personal privacy of the individuals through an unredacted disclosure. The Court reached a decision to affirm the districts court’s summary judgment in favor of the Army.